Most Popular names in US

One of the first important decisions you'll make as a new parent is naming your child. Should you go with a traditional name that will stand the test of time, perhaps one that has been passed down through generations in your family or to select the trending name? These are the most arise question while searching a baby name. However here we are providing the top 10 baby names in US for the parents who are residing in United Stated and confuse for selecting a baby name.

The names listed below range from traditional favorites to unique and even unexpected names that parents currently adore. And, as observed, gender-neutral names are still popular in the US, we are here with a list of the most popular names in US.

Names English Meaning
Senorita Sweet
Beyonce One who surpasses others
Linda Beautiful, Pretty, Clean
Monika Uncertain
Annabelle A form of annabel
Nick A short form of dominic, nicholas
Evan A form of john
Kiaan Archaic
Eric Brave ruler, Ever powerful
Kyle A narrow piece of land.